Beyond “Job Embedded”
Ensuring that Good Professional Development Gets Results, National Institute for Excellence in Teaching
Two recent studies have finally demonstrated that “job-embedded, sustained professional development” can significantly improve student achievement. But there’s a catch. In both studies, effective professional development (PD) strategies were successful only under certain circumstances or only in some schools and classrooms. The determining factor was not the quality of the PD itself, but rather the conditions under which it was delivered. It turns out that job-embedded PD can be highly effective, but only when there is a sufficient infrastructure in place to support it…
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Equity and excellence in teaching and learning.
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Learning Forward Michigan builds the capacity of leaders to establish and sustain highly effective professional learning.
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Supports the implementation of standards and examines evidence to strengthen and document the impact of professional learning.
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Builds the capacity of its members, clients, partners, and staff to establish and sustain effective professional learning.
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